=== Crazy Egg === Contributors: crazyegg Tags: analytics, click, crazyegg, crazy egg, heat maps, heatmap, heatmaps, marketing, reports, tracking, traffic, visitor recordings Requires at least: 2.0.2 Tested up to: 6.5 Stable tag: 2.12 The easiest, free way to add your Crazy Egg tracking script to your WordPress site. The official Crazy Egg Plugin for WordPress. == Description == Crazy Egg is a free plugin that allows you to painlessly add Crazy Egg's tracking script to your WordPress site. The tracking script lets Crazy Egg track your visitors. The plugin relies on a 3rd party as a service (www.crazyegg.com) in order to track visitor clicks and mouse movements. Please visit www.crazyegg.com/terms and www.crazyegg.com/privacy to find out more about our policies. == Installation == 1. Install Crazy Egg through the [WordPress.org](https://www.wordpress.org) plugin repository or by [uploading the files to your server](http://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/step-by-step-guide-to-install-a-wordpress-plugin-for-beginners/). 2. [Sign])https://app.crazyegg.com/login) into your Crazy Egg account and copy your [tracking script](https://app.crazyegg.com/instructions). 3. Click the Crazy Egg tab in the left admin menu. 4. Paste your tracking script in the provided field and click Save Changes. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Do I need a Crazy Egg account? = Yes, a Crazy Egg account is needed. You can sign up for a free trial at [crazyegg.com](https://www.crazyegg.com). = Do I need a different script for Recordings? = If you've signed up for Snapshots and Recordings, you'll only need to install this plugin once. == Screenshots == 1. Quick, simple and easy way of installing Crazy Egg on your WordPress site. == Changelog == = 2.10 = * Tested with wordpress 6.2 = 2.9 = * Tested with wordpress 5.9 = 2.8 = * Tested with wordpress 5.8.1 = 2.7 = * Updated plugin description = 2.6 = * Updated stable version = 2.5 = * Tested with latest Wordpress version 5.7 = 2.4 = * Updated tested up to = 2.3 = * Tested with latest Wordpress version 5.5 = 2.2 = * Tested with latest Wordpress version = 2.1 = * Tested with latest Wordpress version = 2.0 = * New Admin Menu added. * Plugin uses full tracking script instead of Account Number. = 1.1 = * New domain added for tracking script. = 1.0 = * The first version of this plugin. == Upgrade Notice == Note: This upgrade will require that you copy and paste your tracking script into the provided field. Your WordPress site will not track if this step is skipped.