Breaches on breaches: The American Bankers Association recently reported that they suffered a data breach that compromised thousands of the trade association’s member information. Experian announced that a server containing the data of 15 million T-Mobile customers was breached.
The American Bankers Association is reporting that 6,400 member records including “email addresses and passwords used to make purchases or register for events,” were posted online. However, “there was no evidence that credit card or other personal financial information had been accessed,” reports American Banker. In an email to members, the trade association said that it is, “working with a cybersecurity forensics company to identify the origin and full extent of this breach,” and called for members to change their usernames and passwords.
In the Experian breach, those affected were T-Mobile customers who had applied for device credit or credit checks from the mobile phone carrier September 2013 through mid-September 2015. On their website, Experian said that, “records containing a name, address, Social Security number, date of birth, identification number (typically a driver’s license, military ID, or passport number) and additional information used in T- Mobile’s own credit assessment were accessed…No payment card or banking information was obtained.”
T-Mobile CEO John J. Legere penned this letter to T-Mobile customers following the breach.