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The Buzz: Uncertainty

A new administration coupled with very little information surrounding its vision and goals for issues impacting our industry creates an environment of ambiguity, much like the passage of the ACA. Brokers are once again facing legislative and regulatory hurdles, and must remain focused on what lies ahead.

Our Message: Hands Off Employer Plans

More than 177 million Americans depend on Employer-Sponsored Insurance (ESI), the most common type of health coverage in the United States. But some in Congress want to tax employees on the cost of their health care benefits.

Imposing a tax on employer-sponsored health plans is a dangerous policy experiment that could significantly erode employer-sponsored health coverage. Any cap on the tax exclusion is a direct tax on employees and the middle class.

According to the American Health Policy Institute, capping the tax exclusion will increase the burden of the tax, which will ultimately fall on a significant number of hardworking employees and their families. Watch this video to help us flood Capitol Hill with phone calls urging opposition to this idea.

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Join us for our annual Employee Benefits Leadership Forum

Big Money, Big Money

A few years ago, Insurtech wasn’t even a topic of conversation in the boardroom. Today, it’s the buzziest of buzzwords, fueled by capital investment. Check out our latest feature in Leader’s Edge magazine.

Michael Kanick, Digital Marketing Strategist: Wake Up, Republicans: This Could Be the Democrats’ Tea Party, Politico

Jenn Urso, Vice President, Strategic Resources: With Direct Primary Care, It’s Just Doctor and Patient, The Wall Street Journal

Mar. 9-23                 Virtual Workshop: Emotional Intelligence (online)

Mar. 14-16               Benefits Broker Smackdown (Denver, CO)

Mar. 28-30               Broker Smackdown West (Napa Valley, CA)