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For the past four years, the Department of Homeland Security has been developing a cybersecurity incident archive to protect against data breaches in the future. The announcement of this project comes at a time when calls for cyber insurance – in response to unprecedented levels of severe cyber hacks — are at a record high.

The goal of building this repository is to provide companies with comprehensive cyber-security data in hopes that they can use this information to build systems that better protect against cyber hackings. A recent FCW article reported that a “DHS-backed group that is exploring the idea of a repository released a white paper last month outlining 16 categories of data that could form the basis of the repository.” Two of the categories listed include: (1) cyber threat detection methods and (2) measures to alleviate successful hacks.

One issue forecasted for the repository is the agreement between companies’ lawyers and the insurers who cover the damages on how much information should be shared.

The project plans to link corporations plagued by cyber-hacks with insurance agencies in order to mollify losses incurred from cyber-attacks.

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