Emisisoft, a software maker specializing in Anti-malware, now offers a free decryptor available to hospitals and other organizations. The decryptor can unlock the ransomware strain, Stampado, following an attack. The healthcare industry continues to attract cybercriminals from all over the world. The number of ransomware attacks on hospitals and other healthcare providers has increased exponentially, leaving these providers with no other option than paying the ransom. This particular strain, like other forms of ransomware, will encrypt a system’s files while deleting an encrypted file every six hours. After each countdown, the ransomware strain is programmed to double the number of deleted files. This will continue to occur until the victim pays the ransom in order to decrypt the files. Emsisoft explains that victims can download the decryptor for free on their website, allowing victims to regain encrypted files without paying the demanded ransom. Free decryptors are also available for malware strains Apocalypse, AutoLocky, HydraCrypt, DMALocker, along with several others.
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