Members of the European Parliament’s civil liberties committee are visiting Washington to discuss EU efforts to reform data policy and to learn about the White House’s proposed Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights.
The 11-member delegation will meet with lawmakers and representatives from the National Security Council, State Department and U.S. Trade Representative. This is the delegations first visit since their 2013 trip, which took place “during an international diplomatic crisis between the EU and the US following the Snowden revelations on mass surveillance.”
The EU Parliament has started entered into phase two of their inquiry into the Snowden revelations and have shared their concerns regarding mass surveillance, spying and economic espionage by the US. During this trip they plan to discuss key issues including;
1. Judicial redress for EU citizens in the case of transfers of personal data for law enforcement purposes
2. Safe Harbour for US companies
3. Reform of EU data protection legislation and US recent initiatives and trends on data protection
4. Passenger Name Records (PNR) in the area of counter-terrorism and law enforcement
A full press release about the delegations visit has been provided by the European Union Parliament.