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Week 4. These guys know how to stay relevant.

The anonymous Sony hackers have given employees an opt-out function if they do not want their emails released, simply, “tell us your name and business title to take off your data,” according to a message posted onto Pastebin, which has since been removed.   


Leaked documents show that Sony is part of some secret Hollywood syndicate with plans to oppose an organization referred to as “Goliath,” a.k.a Google. A true David and Goliath story. Come on, Sony, have we already forgotten that Google has Cyber Ninjas?

Finally, Sony isn’t too thrilled about news organizations looking into their leaked files. They have recently hired attorney David Boies to take aim at the issue. Boies penned a letter to news organizations stating that Sony, “does not consent to your possession, review, copying, dissemination, publication, uploading, downloading or making any use” of the leaked data. I’m sure Amy Pascal, co-chairwoman of Sony Pictures or producer, Scott Rudin don’t want the press poking around anymore of their emails. The New York Times can fill you in from here.

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