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New Efforts to Prop up the ACA
Single Payer | Sep. 27, 2017

The consensus remains that the battle to repeal and replace the ACA is far from over, but is reaching a bipartisan healthcare compromise at all realistic in this environment?

ACA Deadline Looms
Single Payer | Sep. 20, 2017

Senate Majority Leader McConnell announced that the Senate will vote next week on Republican Sens. Cassidy and Graham’s repeal and replace legislation.

Single-Payer, GOP Healthcare Proposals Released
Single Payer | Sep. 13, 2017

Sen. Bernie Sanders introduced his “Medicare for All” legislation, while Sens. Bill Cassidy and Lindsay Graham released what might be the Senate’s last effort to repeal & replace the ACA.

Senate HELP Committee Moving in Positive Direction
Single Payer | Sep. 7, 2017

In its first of four hearings yesterday, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee indicated intentions to find a bipartisan solution to stabilize the individual health insurance market and shore up rising healthcare costs.

Health Policy Recommendations For Congress
Single Payer | Aug. 23, 2017

A group of business organizations sent this letter to Congress last week outlining bipartisan policy recommendations that are important to the stability of the individual market.

Healthcare Overhaul Stopped in its Tracks
Single Payer | Jul. 28, 2017

The Council’s Joel Wood & Joel Kopperud dissect what happened on the Senate floor during this morning’s dramatic end to the Republicans’ healthcare overhaul efforts.

Senate Health Bill 2.0: What You Need to Know
Single Payer | Jul. 13, 2017

Overall, the bill closely hews to the last version of its repeal-and-replace “Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017” and contains very few provisions that will directly impact the employer market.

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