A group of business organizations sent this letter to Congress last week outlining bipartisan policy recommendations that are important to the stability of the individual market.

The Republican ACA repeal and replace—then-turned repeal and delay—plan fell apart on Capitol Hill this week.
Overall, the bill closely hews to the last version of its repeal-and-replace “Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017” and contains very few provisions that will directly impact the employer market.
The latest updates from Capitol Hill, information on Cyber rules in New York, and more in your biweekly update from The Council.
June 22, 2017 Takeaways from Senate GOP’s “Better Care Reconciliation Act” Senate Republicans released their health reform overhaul today after weeks of intrigue. The Council is extremely pleased to note

The much ballyhooed Senate Republican health reform overhaul – the “Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017” – was released today after weeks of intrigue.

An update on preserving the employer market, the Senate’s bill, and more.
Preserving the employer market, Sen. Tim Scott on FATCA, and more in this week’s Council Brief.
Our own Joel Wood digs deeper on what taxation of the employer-sponsored group health insurance market really means, how to deal with the state waiver process and what it will take to get the votes.

As preservation of the employer-provided group market is The Council’s top legislative goal, we strongly encourage you and your colleagues (as well as your clients) to contact your two United States senators and urge their strong opposition to taxation of benefits.